Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday: C25K - week 1, workout 3

So our resolve wasn’t strong this morning. The alarm went off and I rolled over and said to David, “Let’s run tonight.” He grunted (in agreement, I assume) and we both went back to sleep. I’m such a bad influence and David’s so easy to sway. The combination of a later-than-usual night (my sewing project had my attention) and soreness from getting Stuef-ed got me. Added to that, we’re sleeping with the windows open, so the chill of the morning makes me just want to snuggle down not pop out of bed and into workout clothes. But tonight, before dinner, we shall run.
So we ran tonight before dinner which is impressive because we had a luscious Mediterranean meal waiting for us at home -- chicken, couscous, hummus, lavash, veggies for me. Yum.

Enough salivating and back to running. I don't know. I'm waiting for running to be fun and it's not. At all. My feet hurt. My shins don't feel great. My calves get achy. I want to walk 1.0mph and never contemplate running again. At Mass, Cyril asked, "Isn't it fun?" and I couldn't believe he was serious. Maybe it will be fun when it doesn't anger me. I should let my anger at running, fuel my running. Hmmmm....

On a side note, I think David and I agree that we're going to repeat week one of C25K to see if it gets easier (more fun?)after another week. I'm not optimistic.

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