Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday: C25K - week 1, workout 2

It’s been a busy Saturday and I really just wanted to plop on the couch. But David and I have committed to making time for our C25K workout today…blah, blah blah… Let’s just get it over. So we headed to the gym at the apartment. Guess what? One of the treadmills isn’t working! Freaking apartment complex! We had more neurons firing today than a few mornings ago, so we did a bit of trouble-shooting. Seems like a fuse has blown and only one of the outlets is working. Glorious. Our rent monies going to good use. It’s all good; we weren’t deterred. I did 20 minutes on the recumbent bike while David did his running and then we swapped.

My turn on the treadmill wasn’t easy. The first few run/walk cycles were tough and I wanted to quit. Ugh. I HATE RUNNING. But I kept going and watched the cheesy movie David had on TV (Drumline). Distraction by cheese was a good plan. The minute of running still seems long and the 90 seconds of walking not long enough, but by the fourth round, I wasn’t sold on quitting. I wouldn’t say that after 8 cycles I was begging to run more, though. It was tough, but I survived. Yay me!

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